(Стр. 27-32)

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В статье содержится обзор подходов к реализации проблемно-ориентированных языков программирования на примере Green-Marl, OptiGraph, Elixir и Falcon, предназначенных для анализа статических графов. Представлены основные особенности рассматриваемых языков, а также их сравнение с точки зрения выразительности параллелизма и применимости для генерации высокоэффективных параллельных программ для суперкомпьютеров и кластерных систем.
Образец цитирования:
Список литературы:
Reed D. A., Dongarra J. Exascale computing and big data // Communications of the ACM. - 2015. - Т. 58. - №. 7. - С. 56-68.
Malewicz G. et al. Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing // Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data. - ACM, 2010. - С. 135-146.
Low Y. et al. Distributed GraphLab: a framework for machine learning and data mining in the cloud // Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. - 2012. - Т. 5. - №. 8. - С. 716-727.
Gonzalez J. E. et al. Graphx: Graph processing in a distributed dataflow framework // 11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 14). - 2014. - С. 599-613.
Shvachko K. et al. The hadoop distributed file system // 2010 IEEE 26th symposium on mass storage systems and technologies (MSST). - IEEE, 2010. - С. 1-10.
Avery C. Giraph: Large-scale graph processing infrastructure on hadoop // Proceedings of the Hadoop Summit. Santa Clara. - 2011. - Т. 11.
Zaharia M. et al. Spark: cluster computing with working sets // HotCloud. - 2010. - Т. 10. - С. 10-10.
Quilitz B., Leser U. Querying distributed RDF data sources with SPARQL // European Semantic Web Conference. - Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. - С. 524-538.
Webber J. A programmatic introduction to Neo4j // Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Systems, programming, and applications: software for humanity. - ACM, 2012. - С. 217-218.
Rodriguez M. A. The Gremlin graph traversal machine and language (invited talk) // Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Database Programming Languages. - ACM, 2015. - С. 1-10.
Green-Marl Specification 0.7.1 https://docs.oracle.com/cd /E56133_01/1.2.0/ Green_Marl_Language_Specification.pdf
Hong S. et al. Green-Marl: a DSL for easy and efficient graph analysis // ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News. - ACM, 2012. - Т. 40. - №. 1. - С. 349-362.
Hong S. et al. Early experiences in using a domain-specific language for large-scale graph analysis // First International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences and Systems. - ACM, 2013. - С. 5.
Hong S. et al. Simplifying scalable graph processing with a domain-specific language // Proceedings of Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization. - ACM, 2014. - С. 208.
Sevenich M. et al. Using domain-specific languages for analytic graph databases // Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. - 2016. - Т. 9. - №. 13. - С. 1257-1268.
Malewicz G. et al. Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing // Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data. - ACM, 2010. - С. 135-146.
Salihoglu S., Widom J. GPS: a graph processing system // Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. - ACM, 2013. - С. 22.
Hong S. et al. PGX. D: a fast distributed graph processing engine // Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. - ACM, 2015. - С. 58.
Sujeeth A. K. et al. Composition and reuse with compiled domain-specific languages // European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. - Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. - С. 52-78.
Sujeeth A. K. et al. Delite: A compiler architecture for performance-oriented embedded domain-specific languages // ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). - 2014. - Т. 13. - №. 4s. - С. 134.
Sujeeth A. K. et al. Forge: generating a high performance DSL implementation from a declarative specification // Acm Sigplan Notices. - 2014. - Т. 49. - №. 3. - С. 145-154.
Prountzos D., Manevich R., Pingali K. Elixir: A system for synthesizing concurrent graph programs // ACM SIGPLAN Notices. - 2012. - Т. 47. - №. 10. - С. 375-394.
Lenharth A. Parallel Programming with the Galois System.
Nguyen D., Lenharth A., Pingali K. A lightweight infrastructure for graph analytics // Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. - ACM, 2013. - С. 456-471.
Nasre R. et al. Falcon: a graph manipulation language for heterogeneous systems // ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO). - 2016. - Т. 12. - №. 4. - С. 54.
Ключевые слова:
проблемно-ориентированные языки программирования, параллельная обработка графов, программные модели, суперкопьютеры.

Статьи по теме

Обзор инструментальных средств разработки параллельных графовых приложений для суперкомпьютерных комплексов
параллельная обработка графов программные модели вычислительные модели суперкомпьютеры экзафлопс