(Стр. 108-113)
Подробнее об авторах
Зенин Виталий Николаевич
инженер отделения токамаков Курчатовского комплекса термоядерной энер- гетики и плазменных технологий НИЦ «Курчатовский институт», аспирант МФТИ
Курчатовский комплекс термоядерной энергетики и плазменных технологий НИЦ «Курчатовский институт»; МФТИ
Курчатовский комплекс термоядерной энергетики и плазменных технологий НИЦ «Курчатовский институт»; МФТИ
Геодезические акустические моды (ГАМы) важны для понимания процессов переноса в плазме, что в свою очередь важно для развития управляемого термоядерного синтеза. ГАМы исследуются на большом количестве установок по всему миру, таких как ASDEX-U, TCV, HL-2A, DIII-D и др.Данная работа представляет собой краткий обзор экспериментальных результатов, полученных на различных установках с помощью нескольких диагностик и их сравнение с результатами, полученными на токамаке Т-10 с помощью диагностики пучком тяжелых ионов (ЗППТИ, HIBP).Многие характерные свойства ГАМ, изученные на различных установках при различных параметрах плазмы, взаимно дополняют и подтверждают друг друга. О радиальной структуре ГАМ имеются противоречивые результаты, что, возможно, свидетельствует о различной природе ГАМ в отличающихся условиях (глобальный и не глобальный характер).
Образец цитирования:
Зенин В.Н., (2018), ГЕОДЕЗИЧЕСКИЕ АКУСТИЧЕСКИЕ МОДЫ В ТОКАМАКАХ. Computational nanotechnology, 1 => 108-113.
Список литературы:
Zhao J., Kosovichev A.G. Torsional Oscillation, Meridional Flows, and Vorticity Inferred in the Upper Convection Zone of the Sun by Time-Distance Helioseismology // Astrophys. J. 2004. Vol. 603, № 2. P. 776-784.
Winsor N., Johnson J.L., Dawson J.M. Geodesic Acoustic Waves in Hydromagnetic Systems // Phys. Fluids. 1968. Vol. 11, № 11. P. 2448.
Diamond P.H. et al. Zonal flows in plasma-a review // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2005. Vol. 47, № 5. P. R35-R161.
Gurchenko A.D. et al. Turbulence and anomalous tokamak transport control by Geodesic Acoustic Mode // Epl. 2015. Vol. 110, № 5.
Geng K.N. et al. The role of geodesic acoustic mode on reducing the turbulent transport in the edge plasma of tokamak // Phys. Plasmas. 2018. Vol. 25, № 1.
Wagner F. A quarter-century of H-mode studies // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2007. Vol. 49, № 12B. P. B1-B33.
Xu G.S. et al. First evidence of the role of zonal flows for the L-H transition at marginal input power in the EAST tokamak // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011. Vol. 107, № 12.
Schmitz L. et al. Role of zonal flow predator-prey oscillations in triggering the transition to H-mode confinement // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012. Vol. 108, № 15. P. 1-5.
Fujisawa A. et al. Experimental progress on zonal flow physics in toroidal plasmas // Nucl. Fusion. 2007. Vol. 47, № 10. P. S718- S726.
Fujisawa A. A review of zonal flow experiments // Nucl. Fusion. 2009. Vol. 49, № 1. P. 13001.
Wesson J. Tokamaks. Fourth Edi. Oxford University Press, 2011. 800 p.
Anderson J. et al. Electron geodesic acoustic modes in electron temperature gradient mode turbulence // Phys. Plasmas. 2012. Vol. 19, № 8. P. 82305.
Palermo F. et al. Radial acceleration of geodesic acoustic modes in the presence of a temperature gradient // Phys. Plasmas. 2017. Vol. 24, № 7.
Chen W. et al. Observation of energetic-particle-induced GAM and nonlinear interactions between EGAM, BAEs and tearing modes on the HL-2A tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2013. Vol. 53, № 11.
Chen L., Qiu Z., Zonca F. Short wavelength geodesic acoustic mode excitation by energetic particles // Phys. Plasmas. 2018. Vol. 25, № 1.
Kolesnichenko Y.I. et al. Manifestations of the geodesic acoustic mode driven by energetic ions in tokamaks // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. IOP Publishing, 2016. Vol. 58, № 4. P. 45024.
Wang H. et al. Simulation study of high-frequency energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic mode // Phys. Plasmas. 2015. Vol. 22, № 9.
Coburn J.W., Chen M. Optical emission spectroscopy of reactive plasmas: A method for correlating emission intensities to reactive particle density // J. Appl. Phys. 1980. Vol. 51, № 6. P. 3134-3136.
Conway G.D. et al. Direct measurement of zonal flows and geodesic acoustic mode oscillations in ASDEX Upgrade using Doppler reflectometry // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2005. Vol. 47, № 8. P. 1165-1185.
Vershkov V.A., Dreval V. V., Soldatov S. V. A three-wave heterodyne correlation reflectometer developed in the T-10 tokamak // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1999. Vol. 70, № 3. P. 1700-1709.
Dnestrovskij Y.N. et al. Development of Heavy Ion Beam Probe Diagnostics // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 310-331.
Solomatin R.Y., Grashin S.A. Investigations of the peripheral plasma by Langmuir probes on the T-10 tokamak // Probl. At. Sci. Technol. Ser. Thermonucl. Fusion. 2017. Vol. 40, № 2. P. 43-49.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Radial homogeneity of geodesic acoustic modes in ohmic discharges with low B in the T-10 tokamak // JETP Lett. 2015. Vol. 100, № 9. P. 555-560.
Melnikov A.V. et al. The features of the global GAM in OH and ECRH plasmas in the T-10 tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2015. Vol. 55, № 6. P. 63001.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Investigation of geodesic acoustic mode oscillations in the T-10 tokamak // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2006. Vol. 48, № 4. P. S87-S110.
Ido T. et al. Geodesic-acoustic-mode in JFT-2M tokamak plasmas // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2006. Vol. 48, № 4. P. S41-S50.
Kobayashi T. et al. Quantification of Turbulent Driving Forces for the Geodesic Acoustic Mode in the JFT-2M Tokamak // Phys. Rev. Lett. American Physical Society, 2018. Vol. 120, № 4. P. 45002.
Ido T. et al. Strong Destabilization of Stable Modes with a Half- Frequency Associated with Chirping Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Large Helical Device // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016. Vol. 116, № 1. P. 1-5.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Investigation of the plasma potential oscillations in the range of geodesic acoustic mode frequencies by heavy ion beam probing in tokamaks // Czechoslov. J. Phys. 2005. Vol. 55, № 3. P. 349-360.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Plasma potential and turbulence dynamics in toroidal devices (survey of T-10 and TJ-II experiments) // Nucl. Fusion. 2011. Vol. 51, № 8. P. 83043.
Conway G.D. et al. Frequency scaling and localization of geodesic acoustic modes in ASDEX Upgrade // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2008. Vol. 50, № 5. P. 55009.
Simon P. et al. Comparison of experiment and models of geodesic acoustic mode frequency and amplitude geometric scaling in ASDEX Upgrade // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2016. Vol. 58, № 4. P. 1-24.
Wang G. et al. Multi-field characteristics and eigenmode spatial structure of geodesic acoustic modes in DIII-D L-mode plasmas // Phys. Plasmas. 2013. Vol. 20, № 2011.
De Meijere C.A.A. et al. Complete multi-field characterization of the geodesic acoustic mode in the TCV tokamak // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2014. Vol. 56, № 7. P. 72001.
Bulanin V.V. et al. GAM observation in the TUMAN-3M tokamak // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. IOP Publishing, 2016. Vol. 58, № 4. P. 45006.
Cziegler I. et al. Fluctuating zonal flows in the I-mode regime in Alcator C-Mod // Phys. Plasmas. 2013. Vol. 20, № 5. Xu G.S.,
Wan B.N., Song M. In search of zonal flows using cross-bispectrum analysis in the boundary plasma of the Hefei Tokamak-7 // Phys. Plasmas. 2002. Vol. 9, № 1. P. 150-154.
Yan L.W. et al. Three-dimensional features of GAM zonal fl ws in the HL-2A tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2007. Vol. 47, № 12. P. 1673-1681.
Jobes F.C., Hickok R.L. A direct measurement of plasma space potential // Nucl. Fusion. 1970. Vol. 10. P. 195.
Hickok R.L. A Short History of Heavy Ion Beam Probing // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 287-290.
Krupnik L.I., Melnikov A.V., Nedselskij I. Development of beam probe diagnostics and recent measurements on the TJ-1 and T-10 tokamaks // Fusion Eng. Des. 1997. Vol. 34-35. P. 639-644.
Krupnik L.I. et al. The heavy ion beam probing development for WEGA stellarator // Fusion Sci. Technol. 2006. Vol. 50, № 2. P. 276-280.
Bugarya V.I. et al. Measurements of plasma column rotation and potential in the TM-4 tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 1985. Vol. 25, № 12. P. 1707-1717.
Bondarenko I.S. et al. Heavy ion beam probe diagnostics on TJ-1 tokamak and the measurements of the plasma potential and density profiles // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1997. Vol. 68, № 1. P. 312-315.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Heavy ion beam probe systems for tight aspect ratio tokamaks // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1997. Vol. 68, № 1. P. 316-319.
Bondarenko I.S. et al. HIBP results on the WEGA Stellarator // Probl. At. Sci. Technol. Ser. Plasma Phys. 2009. Vol. 1, № 15. P. 28-30.
Cabral J.A.C. et al. The Heavy Ion Beam Diagnostic for the Tokamak ISTTOK // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 350-358.
Ido T. et al. Development of 6-MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on LHD // Fusion Sci. Technol. 2010. Vol. 58, № 1. P. 436-444.
Fujisawa A. et al. Experimental study of the bifurcation nature of the electrostatic potential of a toroidal helical plasma // Phys. Plasmas. 2000. Vol. 7, № 10. P. 4152.
Ido T. et al. Observation of the interaction between the geodesic acoustic mode and ambient fluctuation in the JFT-2M tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2006. Vol. 46, № 5. P. 512-520.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Heavy ion beam probing-diagnostics to study potential and turbulence in toroidal plasmas // Nucl. Fusion. 2017. Vol. 57, № 7. P. 72004.
Zenin V.N. et al. Study of poloidal structure of geodesic acoustic modes in the T-10 tokamak with heavy ion beam probing // Probl. At. Sci. Technol. 2014. Vol. 94, № 6. P. 269-271.
Ilgisonis V.I. et al. Global geodesic acoustic mode in a tokamak with positive magnetic shear and a monotonic temperature profile // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2014. Vol. 56, № 3. P. 35001.
Lakhin V.P., Sorokina E.A. Geodesic acoustic eigenmode for tokamak equilibrium with maximum of local GAM frequency // Phys. Lett. A. Elsevier B.V., 2014. Vol. 378, № 5-6. P. 535-538.
Hamada Y. et al. Zonal flows in the geodesic acoustic mode frequency range in the JIPP T-IIU tokamak plasmas // Nucl. Fusion. 2005. Vol. 45, № 2. P. 81-88.
Gurchenko A.D. et al. Spatial structure of the geodesic acoustic mode in the FT-2 tokamak by upper hybrid resonance Doppler backscattering // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2013. Vol. 55, № 8. P. 85017.
Winsor N., Johnson J.L., Dawson J.M. Geodesic Acoustic Waves in Hydromagnetic Systems // Phys. Fluids. 1968. Vol. 11, № 11. P. 2448.
Diamond P.H. et al. Zonal flows in plasma-a review // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2005. Vol. 47, № 5. P. R35-R161.
Gurchenko A.D. et al. Turbulence and anomalous tokamak transport control by Geodesic Acoustic Mode // Epl. 2015. Vol. 110, № 5.
Geng K.N. et al. The role of geodesic acoustic mode on reducing the turbulent transport in the edge plasma of tokamak // Phys. Plasmas. 2018. Vol. 25, № 1.
Wagner F. A quarter-century of H-mode studies // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2007. Vol. 49, № 12B. P. B1-B33.
Xu G.S. et al. First evidence of the role of zonal flows for the L-H transition at marginal input power in the EAST tokamak // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011. Vol. 107, № 12.
Schmitz L. et al. Role of zonal flow predator-prey oscillations in triggering the transition to H-mode confinement // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012. Vol. 108, № 15. P. 1-5.
Fujisawa A. et al. Experimental progress on zonal flow physics in toroidal plasmas // Nucl. Fusion. 2007. Vol. 47, № 10. P. S718- S726.
Fujisawa A. A review of zonal flow experiments // Nucl. Fusion. 2009. Vol. 49, № 1. P. 13001.
Wesson J. Tokamaks. Fourth Edi. Oxford University Press, 2011. 800 p.
Anderson J. et al. Electron geodesic acoustic modes in electron temperature gradient mode turbulence // Phys. Plasmas. 2012. Vol. 19, № 8. P. 82305.
Palermo F. et al. Radial acceleration of geodesic acoustic modes in the presence of a temperature gradient // Phys. Plasmas. 2017. Vol. 24, № 7.
Chen W. et al. Observation of energetic-particle-induced GAM and nonlinear interactions between EGAM, BAEs and tearing modes on the HL-2A tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2013. Vol. 53, № 11.
Chen L., Qiu Z., Zonca F. Short wavelength geodesic acoustic mode excitation by energetic particles // Phys. Plasmas. 2018. Vol. 25, № 1.
Kolesnichenko Y.I. et al. Manifestations of the geodesic acoustic mode driven by energetic ions in tokamaks // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. IOP Publishing, 2016. Vol. 58, № 4. P. 45024.
Wang H. et al. Simulation study of high-frequency energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic mode // Phys. Plasmas. 2015. Vol. 22, № 9.
Coburn J.W., Chen M. Optical emission spectroscopy of reactive plasmas: A method for correlating emission intensities to reactive particle density // J. Appl. Phys. 1980. Vol. 51, № 6. P. 3134-3136.
Conway G.D. et al. Direct measurement of zonal flows and geodesic acoustic mode oscillations in ASDEX Upgrade using Doppler reflectometry // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2005. Vol. 47, № 8. P. 1165-1185.
Vershkov V.A., Dreval V. V., Soldatov S. V. A three-wave heterodyne correlation reflectometer developed in the T-10 tokamak // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1999. Vol. 70, № 3. P. 1700-1709.
Dnestrovskij Y.N. et al. Development of Heavy Ion Beam Probe Diagnostics // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 310-331.
Solomatin R.Y., Grashin S.A. Investigations of the peripheral plasma by Langmuir probes on the T-10 tokamak // Probl. At. Sci. Technol. Ser. Thermonucl. Fusion. 2017. Vol. 40, № 2. P. 43-49.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Radial homogeneity of geodesic acoustic modes in ohmic discharges with low B in the T-10 tokamak // JETP Lett. 2015. Vol. 100, № 9. P. 555-560.
Melnikov A.V. et al. The features of the global GAM in OH and ECRH plasmas in the T-10 tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2015. Vol. 55, № 6. P. 63001.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Investigation of geodesic acoustic mode oscillations in the T-10 tokamak // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2006. Vol. 48, № 4. P. S87-S110.
Ido T. et al. Geodesic-acoustic-mode in JFT-2M tokamak plasmas // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2006. Vol. 48, № 4. P. S41-S50.
Kobayashi T. et al. Quantification of Turbulent Driving Forces for the Geodesic Acoustic Mode in the JFT-2M Tokamak // Phys. Rev. Lett. American Physical Society, 2018. Vol. 120, № 4. P. 45002.
Ido T. et al. Strong Destabilization of Stable Modes with a Half- Frequency Associated with Chirping Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Large Helical Device // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016. Vol. 116, № 1. P. 1-5.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Investigation of the plasma potential oscillations in the range of geodesic acoustic mode frequencies by heavy ion beam probing in tokamaks // Czechoslov. J. Phys. 2005. Vol. 55, № 3. P. 349-360.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Plasma potential and turbulence dynamics in toroidal devices (survey of T-10 and TJ-II experiments) // Nucl. Fusion. 2011. Vol. 51, № 8. P. 83043.
Conway G.D. et al. Frequency scaling and localization of geodesic acoustic modes in ASDEX Upgrade // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2008. Vol. 50, № 5. P. 55009.
Simon P. et al. Comparison of experiment and models of geodesic acoustic mode frequency and amplitude geometric scaling in ASDEX Upgrade // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2016. Vol. 58, № 4. P. 1-24.
Wang G. et al. Multi-field characteristics and eigenmode spatial structure of geodesic acoustic modes in DIII-D L-mode plasmas // Phys. Plasmas. 2013. Vol. 20, № 2011.
De Meijere C.A.A. et al. Complete multi-field characterization of the geodesic acoustic mode in the TCV tokamak // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2014. Vol. 56, № 7. P. 72001.
Bulanin V.V. et al. GAM observation in the TUMAN-3M tokamak // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. IOP Publishing, 2016. Vol. 58, № 4. P. 45006.
Cziegler I. et al. Fluctuating zonal flows in the I-mode regime in Alcator C-Mod // Phys. Plasmas. 2013. Vol. 20, № 5. Xu G.S.,
Wan B.N., Song M. In search of zonal flows using cross-bispectrum analysis in the boundary plasma of the Hefei Tokamak-7 // Phys. Plasmas. 2002. Vol. 9, № 1. P. 150-154.
Yan L.W. et al. Three-dimensional features of GAM zonal fl ws in the HL-2A tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2007. Vol. 47, № 12. P. 1673-1681.
Jobes F.C., Hickok R.L. A direct measurement of plasma space potential // Nucl. Fusion. 1970. Vol. 10. P. 195.
Hickok R.L. A Short History of Heavy Ion Beam Probing // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 287-290.
Krupnik L.I., Melnikov A.V., Nedselskij I. Development of beam probe diagnostics and recent measurements on the TJ-1 and T-10 tokamaks // Fusion Eng. Des. 1997. Vol. 34-35. P. 639-644.
Krupnik L.I. et al. The heavy ion beam probing development for WEGA stellarator // Fusion Sci. Technol. 2006. Vol. 50, № 2. P. 276-280.
Bugarya V.I. et al. Measurements of plasma column rotation and potential in the TM-4 tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 1985. Vol. 25, № 12. P. 1707-1717.
Bondarenko I.S. et al. Heavy ion beam probe diagnostics on TJ-1 tokamak and the measurements of the plasma potential and density profiles // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1997. Vol. 68, № 1. P. 312-315.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Heavy ion beam probe systems for tight aspect ratio tokamaks // Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1997. Vol. 68, № 1. P. 316-319.
Bondarenko I.S. et al. HIBP results on the WEGA Stellarator // Probl. At. Sci. Technol. Ser. Plasma Phys. 2009. Vol. 1, № 15. P. 28-30.
Cabral J.A.C. et al. The Heavy Ion Beam Diagnostic for the Tokamak ISTTOK // IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 1994. Vol. 22, № 4. P. 350-358.
Ido T. et al. Development of 6-MeV Heavy Ion Beam Probe on LHD // Fusion Sci. Technol. 2010. Vol. 58, № 1. P. 436-444.
Fujisawa A. et al. Experimental study of the bifurcation nature of the electrostatic potential of a toroidal helical plasma // Phys. Plasmas. 2000. Vol. 7, № 10. P. 4152.
Ido T. et al. Observation of the interaction between the geodesic acoustic mode and ambient fluctuation in the JFT-2M tokamak // Nucl. Fusion. 2006. Vol. 46, № 5. P. 512-520.
Melnikov A.V. et al. Heavy ion beam probing-diagnostics to study potential and turbulence in toroidal plasmas // Nucl. Fusion. 2017. Vol. 57, № 7. P. 72004.
Zenin V.N. et al. Study of poloidal structure of geodesic acoustic modes in the T-10 tokamak with heavy ion beam probing // Probl. At. Sci. Technol. 2014. Vol. 94, № 6. P. 269-271.
Ilgisonis V.I. et al. Global geodesic acoustic mode in a tokamak with positive magnetic shear and a monotonic temperature profile // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2014. Vol. 56, № 3. P. 35001.
Lakhin V.P., Sorokina E.A. Geodesic acoustic eigenmode for tokamak equilibrium with maximum of local GAM frequency // Phys. Lett. A. Elsevier B.V., 2014. Vol. 378, № 5-6. P. 535-538.
Hamada Y. et al. Zonal flows in the geodesic acoustic mode frequency range in the JIPP T-IIU tokamak plasmas // Nucl. Fusion. 2005. Vol. 45, № 2. P. 81-88.
Gurchenko A.D. et al. Spatial structure of the geodesic acoustic mode in the FT-2 tokamak by upper hybrid resonance Doppler backscattering // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 2013. Vol. 55, № 8. P. 85017.
Ключевые слова:
плазма, магнитное удержание, токамак, геодезические акустические моды, ГАМ, зондирование плазмы пучком тяжелых ионов.
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